White weed is the most common grass found growing around our immediate environment, bushes and farms, its a popular plant , that every people knows it, but we usually cut it everyday and burn but dying with illnesses and spending lots of money in hospitals. The best nutritive super vegetable to be used as food, but unknown to the world.
1. It helps with men sexual Health
The king grass is a plant that Helps to improve male libido and prevents/helps premature ejaculation. It helps to restore weak erection In Men and enhances men sexual power.
For men suffering from this just look for king grass, found everywhere, wash, squeeze or blend and drink, you can add honey to taste. Take as a juice or tea.
2. A solution for women fertility problem
Fertility problem is a painful experience that women go through. The birth of a child is a life joy that is worth having as a woman. Women looking for the fruit of the womb should make use of king grass, blend or squeeze. Drink this juice daily drink.
3. Good for weight loss
The flowers are a good solution for weight loss. Chew hand full of the flower with at least 10 seeds of alligator pepper. It makes one to be urinating often. Body system matters if you feel you aren’t urinating often you can increase the quantity of both the flower and alligator seeds.
4. Relief solution for Ulcer pains.
Ulcer Patients should make use of king grass, It cures ulcer effectively. Blend or squeeze to extract the juice and add 7up (Optional). You can add little honey.
5. It stops Diarrhea
The leaves are prepared as soup with enough pure red oil (unbleached palm oil), with enough spices, and eaten without food in enough quantity to stop DIARRHEA. It's almost miraculous.
6. Makes Childbirth Delivery Easy
Facilitates delivery, when tea from plant is taken as enema (pump) regularly at the last month of pregnancy and at onset of labour.
7. Acts as an antidote for poisoning
Helps against all type of poisonings. Chew seven heads or squeeze fresh clean juice and drink.
NB: Many vomits poison after taking it. Repeat twice daily for few days. You can mix with Alligator Pepper seeds.
8. Stops Injury from bleeding If you have an injury apply this plant paste and juice. Smash or squeeze the plant into a paste and apply paste on both fresh and old wounds for healing... It's a powerful antibiotic.
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Does it help for penis enlargement