What is inguinal hernia ?
One of the leading work On Inguinal Hernia is the work of Ann Pietrangelo , titled ‘Inguinal hernia repair’ , the work has been medically review by Andrew Gonzalez MD,JD,MPH for source vide/https;//www.healthline.com/inguinal -hernia-repair. According to the aforementioned source, inguinal hernia occurs when soft tissues protrude through an area of weakness or a defect in your lower abdominal muscles. It’s often in or near the groin area. Anybody can get an inguinal hernia, but it’s more common in men than women.
During inguinal hernia repair, your surgeon pushes the bulging tissues back into the abdomen while stitching and reinforcing the portion of the abdominal wall containing the defect. This procedure is also known as inguinal herniorrhaphy and open hernia repair. Surgery isn’t always necessary, but hernias generally don’t improve without it. In some cases, an untreated hernia can become life-threatening. While there are some side effects and risks associated with surgery, most people have positive results. Causes What causes an inguinal hernia? The cause of inguinal hernias isn’t always known, but they could be the result of weak spots in the abdominal wall. Weaknesses can be due to defects present at birth or formed later in life. Some risk factors for inguinal hernia include: fluid or pressure in the abdomen heavy lifting, such as weight lifting repetitive straining during urination or bowel movements obesity, chronic cough, pregnancy. Both adults and children can get inguinal hernias. Men are more likely to develop an inguinal hernia. People with a history of hernias are at increased risk of having another hernia as well. The second hernia usually occurs on the opposite side. Symptoms What are the symptoms of an inguinal hernia? The symptoms of an inguinal hernia include a bulge in the groin area and pain, pressure, or aching at the bulge, especially when lifting, bending, or coughing. These symptoms usually subside during rest. Men may also have swelling around the testicles. You can sometimes gently push back the bulging tissue of a hernia when you lie on your back. You may not notice any symptoms if your inguinal hernia is small. See your doctor if you suspect you might have a hernia. Uses Do I need an inguinal hernia repair? Immediate surgery isn’t always recommended when a hernia isn’t causing a problem. However, it’s important to note that most hernias won’t resolve without treatment. They may also become larger and more uncomfortable over time. Most people find the bulge from a hernia to be painless. Coughing, lifting, and bending might cause pain and discomfort, though. Your doctor may suggest surgery if: your hernia gets larger pain develops or increases you have difficulty performing daily activities. A hernia can become very dangerous if your intestines become twisted or trapped. If this happens, you may have: fever, increased heart rate, pain, nausea, vomiting, darkening of the bulge, inability to push (reduce) your hernia back into the abdomen when you previously could If you have any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. This is a life-threatening condition requiring emergency surgery. Risks What are the risks associated with inguinal hernia repair? The risks involved in any surgery include: breathing difficulties, bleeding, allergic reactions to anesthesia and other medications infection. The following are some of the risks specific to inguinal hernia repair: The hernia may eventually come back. You may experience prolonged pain at the site.There could be damage to blood vessels. In men, the testicles could be harmed if connecting blood vessels are damaged.There could be nerve damage or damage to nearby organs.
HERBAL CURE FOR HERNIA 1. Egbo Asunwon funfun ( roots of ringworm plants with scientific name Cassia prodocarpa) Egbo Asunwon Egba tabi Asunrin Egba (Roots of Cassia Alata) Egbo Ajekobale tabi Afeloru( roots of Crotons Zambesicus) Sugar onikoro mefa (six cubes of sugar). Grind everything together to fine herbal powder. Uses: Add a full table spoon of this powder to lukewarm water and drink it once a day. You can also add it to ogi( palp) and drink it. 2. Ewe tamoloju ( Fresh leaves of Petivera alliacea), Egunsi bara ( fresh fruits of Citrus Lanatus). The two aforementioned plants should be grind or pound together. It should be add inside one bottle of gin. Take one shot of it daily to ameliorate Inguinal hernia. source: http://www.babalawoobanifa.com/2018/04/inguinal-hernia-herbal-cure-in-yoruba.html#more