The issue of unwanted pregnancy among nursing mothers in Nigeria is quite alarming. While most mothers wish to space their kids many don't achieve their aim.
Negro pepper had been used as natural contraceptive back in the olden days, but this method seem to had vanished though its resurfacing and becoming more popular again as women are now beginning to realise that some of the modern contraceptive methods have side effects.
You should note that unlike hormonal contraceptives, there are no side effects to using Negro Pepper water to prevent pregnancy. It is also safe for breastfeeding mothers as Negro Pepper contains vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E and folic acid.
How To Prepare
Step 1: Purchase large quantity of Negro Pepper. Wash and put in a pot e.g about half the size of milo tin.
Step 2: Add about 60 cl of water.
Step 3: Boil the negro pepper in this water for 5 minutes and allow to cool down.
Step 4: Once the water is cooled, you can store in a container of your choice e.g plastic bottle and place in a refrigerator.
>>>Note: Do not store in freezer, so that the active ingredient will not be lost, although it is more effective when it is not stored for too long.
Step 5: Immediately after sexual intercourse with your husband, shake the bottle very well and drink a glass cup of the solution. A glass cup should be enough. Some women take it before having sex ( this is because of some stubborn spermatozoa).
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